Simple and Affordable Pricing

Best price among management and media sharing tools for modeling and casting agencies. Simple pricing that scales with your agency.

For All Agencies

$21 .25
per staff
You can start with minimum three staff.
Start Free Trial

14 days of trial. No credit card needed.

Essentials Included
Unlimited portfolio and file storage.
Create unlimited share links (packages).
Create unlimited talent (model) profiles and user accounts.
Create unlimited events and event types.
Create unlimited statements and accounting documents.
Create unlimited customer profiles.
Email and Whatsapp Support.
Clear Pricing for Extras
Send bulk emails for $3 for per 1000 email.
Connect your website and manage it from Frava for $15 per month.
Import your composite card or book design for $59 per design once, generate unlimited copies.

Not sure or confused?

If you are not sure what you need or Frava is suitable for your needs just leave a meeting request or directly contact with us via whatsapp.